
New website goes live

The new National Terrier website has gone live!

We're pleased to launch the site to improve the experience of site visitors and to provide the latest news to exhibitors of the National Terrier shows. The previous site has been live over 8 years and we hope the new look and feel will be well received.

Additional functionality includes the ability to 'self serve' and submit common requests such as pay your membership renewal, join as a Member, apply to hold your show at National Terrier and book a Trade Stand. - More will follow!

The Committee of National Terrier Club

Brian Baxter - Patron National Terrier

It is with great sadness we have been advised of the passing of Brian Baxter (Beenaben).After a period of absence, he was thrilled to attend National Terrier at Stafford in April this 2024.His funeral will take place at Mansfield Crematorium Thoresby Chap...
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The Annual General Meeting for National Terrier Club.Will be held on Monday 13 May at 11am at the Twin Oaks Hotel, Church Lane, Palterton, Chesterfield, S44 6UZItems for the agenda duly proposed and seconded must reach the  Secretary by 4 May 2024
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Chairs will be limited on show dayA reminder to bring your ownThank you
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