
New Veteran of the Year Competition

Artmeis Veteran of the Year Competition

This new Annual Competition is designed to show case and reward the UK's

very best Veteran Show Dogs. It is hoped that the prestige of this

additional competition will inspire exhibitors to support all Group &

General Championship Shows that schedule Veteran Classes, Veteran Groups

and Best Veteran in Show.

The winners of Best Veteran in Show and Reserve Best Veteran in Show at the

19 UK Championship Shows that schedule these classes and support the new

competition will both be invited to a Grand Final each year. This will

start with UK Toy Dog Society Championship Show in March 2023. The finals

of this competition will be held at The National Dog Show 2024 when the

winner will receive £500 and the runner up £250.

The Best Veteran in Show and Reserve Best Veteran in Show at the National

Dog Show 2023 will qualify for the final in 2024 (unless already qualified

and then the judge may award to 4th BVIS).  The organiser of this

competition will award £10 and a special rosette to each qualifier on the


National Terrier are delighted to announce that we are taking part in the

above competition. Terriers will be represented in the final as the

qualifiers for the final from National Terrier  will be the two dogs who

are First and Second place winners in the National Terrier Veteran Stakes

who will be given a rosette to commemorate the occasion and so

automatically  qualify for the final.

Brian Baxter - Patron National Terrier

It is with great sadness we have been advised of the passing of Brian Baxter (Beenaben).After a period of absence, he was thrilled to attend National Terrier at Stafford in April this 2024.His funeral will take place at Mansfield Crematorium Thoresby Chap...
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The Annual General Meeting for National Terrier Club.Will be held on Monday 13 May at 11am at the Twin Oaks Hotel, Church Lane, Palterton, Chesterfield, S44 6UZItems for the agenda duly proposed and seconded must reach the  Secretary by 4 May 2024
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Chairs will be limited on show dayA reminder to bring your ownThank you
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